Cancer Pathway Case Study

Our NHS Trust partner was breaching RTT two-week wait cancer waiting times and finding it difficult to catch up with the backlog of cases.

Cancer Pathway Case Study SHS Partners Insourcing NHS


SHS Partners provided expert consultancy to review the cancer pathway’s issues to deliver an on-site managed care solution. The bespoke service consisted of staffing for an additional theatre to enable the Trust to provide cancer surgeries successfully.


  • 200 cancer procedures performed in six weeks
  • Surgical activity resulted in a significant reduction in the patient backlog
  • Positive reporting outcomes for the Trust
  • Trust secured an increase in revenue from elective work undertaken in-house
  • Low-risk cost-effective approach as all services were paid via a pre-agreed split of tariff
  • Improved patient experience

Contact the SHS Partners to learn more about our cancer pathway service and how we can help your NHS trust of Health Board to clear patient waiting list backlogs.